
moodswing x gabrielcastle
March 24, 2010, 4:45 pm
Filed under: yada yada yada | Tags: , , , , , ,

here’s a few sxsw photos courtesy of gabrielcastle. check out his entire gallery on his blog.

most of these were taken at the moodswing360 party featuring tabi bonney, dj enferno, hyper crush, dj benzi, oh snap!!, chris young, and my favorite of the evening: the cataracs.

Sunday afternoon, Abe, Doug, Josh & Sam (who let us crash on their floors) and I went out for some lunch at the domain for some california pizza kitchen. The Domain is one of my favorite places to shop, so I quickly hit up Diesel, Zara and Forever21 (Heritage). I even surprised my amazing sister with a denim jacket I saw at Diesel. She loved it and was incredibly happy with my taste!

March 10, 2009, 3:31 pm
Filed under: dontgetemo, yada yada yada | Tags: , ,

I can’t stress enough how good of a nightlife photographer Abe is. Here’s a small batch of photos he captured during our party with DJ Skeet Skeet on friday night. You need to hire him so he can pay the rent on time, maybe he’ll even buy me dinner. Him and I are going to kill it during spring break at south padre and never say never festival.



I love Danny.

I love Danny.

Danny, Rodrigo and Beth

Danny, Rodrigo and Beth

Skeet on Decks

Skeet on decks

Anna and her friendskies

Anna and her friendskies

Doug, Zar and Rishi

Doug, Zar and Rishi

with Skeet

with Skeet

Thank You Beth for all of your help!

Thank You Beth for all of your help!

For the rest of Abe’s pictures, visit his blogiddy blog at aberazzi.com Follow it during spring break, imagine the possibilities. We’ve got a softball game tonight at 7 pm; we always go to dinner afterwards to talk about how much we sucked, some of the best times I’ve recently had.

We can’t be doing this forever. I need to find my way back to the start.

this week in movies
January 23, 2009, 4:40 pm
Filed under: burnt popcorn | Tags: , , ,
Slumdog Millionaire - Fox Searchlight

Slumdog Millionaire - Fox Searchlight

Slumdog Millionaire finally hit theatres today in our area – so I’m pretty excited about watching it. Fox Searchlight did really well with their two little indies that could, Slumdog and The Wrestler, both receiving oscar nominations. Although The Wrestler did seem to get snubbed in a few categories. I haven’t found definite release dates for The Wrestler in the McAllen area, but I’d love to watch it again on the big screen if it does come afterall. This weekends’ theatre trips hopefully include Slumdog Millionaire and Frost/Nixon.

During the week, I watched Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead, Bubba Ho-Tep, and Asylum thanks to my good friend Netflix. Any Bruce Campbell fans out there, Bubba Ho-Tep is a must. Before the Devil delivers excellent performances by Ethan Hawke and Phillip Seymour Hoffman. But you can skip Asylum, which does feature the somewhat-cute girl from Disturbia.

Notorious – I wasted no time in going out to see this and dragging Monica along. To my surprise, she was really excited about watching it, which is pretty rare for any movie. It’s no Denzel film, and definitely not a “Tyler Perry’s…” shitastic movie. First time actor Jamal nailed the role of Biggie, and it reminded me of sitting in my 6th grade class hearing “Tupac’s been shot!”

Abe’s still downloading pirated movies like if they were crack rock, spoiling my Netflix streaming speed upstairs. I’m glad he booked his flight to Vegas though – his pictures are going to destroy lives. God bless his little heart.